Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Crystal's Weight Loss Journey

I started my weight loss journey a year and a half ago. Like many folks I was not blessed with “skinny genes.” I struggled with my weight since I was in middle school, middle school is tough for all kids and it’s even harder when you are overweight. As most of you know kids can be very brutal and it took me a long time to realize that I had internalized the teasing I endured growing up.

So I did as many others that I know do, I became a “yo-yo-er.” I would lose 15-20 pounds and then gain them back. I tried every fad diet in the book and I never saw permanent results. You name I tried it, low carbs, no carbs, liquid diets, teas, aloe vera, anything I thought would get me quick results. I started to think that I was always going to stay at 275 pounds…

Then one day my sister in law told me to join her in a class she was taking. A personal trainer from the area was starting a weight loss competition with all of the people she trained. I am a very competitive person and I thought, “why not try it for one month? What do I have to lose?” I joined the competition and unfortunately I was no match for the two bride-to-be’s, or as I call them, “Bridezillas!” So I lost the competition, but I also lost 20 pounds in the process! And that is how my journey began…

From then I went on to participate in two other weight loss competitions and I was able to lose another 30 pounds. And at 50 pounds I hit a plateau, I wasn’t losing anymore weight, I was very comfortable blending in the crowd of the class and I wasn’t pushing myself as hard as I knew I could. So I went to my friend April for help, she is one of my closest friends and she is in very good shape. She began training me one-on-one and she pushed me to my physical limits. It was with her that I realized that I could do more than I gave myself credit for.

One day as I was struggling to run ½ a mile without stopping, I asked April if she thought I could run a half marathon. She turned me to me and she answered without hesitation and told me she knew I could! That was the day I signed up to run my first half marathon.

I have now lost a total of 78 pounds and last week I ran 13.1 miles without stopping! This journey has not only helped me transform my body, it has also helped me transform my attitude and the way I feel about myself. Although I am not quite where I want to be, my goal is to lose 100 pounds or to have a flat stomach and toned figure, I am extremely happy with the person I see in the mirror. I am very proud of myself; for the first time in my life I can look in the mirror and see the beauty in me both inside and out. Sometimes I get down on myself when I don’t meet the goals that I originally set but then I think about how far I have come and it gives me the motivation that I need to continue to pursue my goals.

It hasn’t been an easy journey but it has been a beautiful one. I am very proud of who I am and I know that with hard work and determination you can accomplish anything!

-Crystal Ocegueda


  1. I am so proud of you, Crystal! I'm not at all surprised by your success. You succeed at everything you set your mind to and this is another example. May your spirit and enthusiasm continue to inspire others! xoxo, April

  2. Crystal, you have always been beautiful and you certainly continue to be! I'm so proud of this journey you've been on, what amazing accomplishment you should feel!!

  3. Just found your blog on pinterest! What a small world :) You write beautifully Crystal! And it just made me realize how much i missed you ;) So very proud of you!!

    Love, Cassandra
