Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Reasons to Lose Weight

I recently put a list of reasons why I want to lose weight in my phone. I've always been a believer of making goals and keeping them in plain sight. Before the age of smartphones, I just wrote them on a paper and put them next to my bed. But let's face it, now and days, our smartphones are practically attached to us.
Try it! When you don't feel like working out, or want to reach for that donut, pull out your phone and review all the reasons why you are losing weight.
These are my reasons:
  • To have a healthy relationship with food
  • Healthier skin
  • To be an example of what to do, rather than what not to do
  • To look good in everything and nothing
  • Be able to wear lingerie
  • Run a mile without stopping
  • Wear calf boots
  • So Alex can lift me effortlessly
  • Wear a single digit pants size
  • Wear shorts without feeling self-conscious
  • Wear cute fashion
This list continues to grow as I become more and more fit. Being able to feel comfortable in clothes is a major motivation for me. I've always felt like I was someone different inside and feeling trapped in baggy clothes has really prohibited me being my authentic self. This journey has given me more than just health, I've gained more confidence.

When Nikki told me about her list I couldn't believe I had not thought of the idea first! I mean I'm supposed to be the fabulous one and here. Nikki is totally stealing my thunder! So of course I had to write my own list to try to outdo Nikki...

Crystal's 10 Reasons to Stay on the Healthy Road:
  • To Run 26.2 miles
  • To wear a bikini and feel sexy in it
  • To eat the muffin top, not wear it (low calorie, whole grain of course)
  • To fit into single digit pants
  • To reach my 100 pound weight loss goal
  • To wear a little black dress and actually have it be little
  • To be the Skinniest Ocegueda (my 4 older brothers are no match for me!)
  • To help avoid the diabetes and heart attacks that run in my family
  • To be one of the few people at my high school reunion who are actually smaller than they were when they were in high school
  • To continue to amaze myself and all that I can accomplish

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