Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mission Possible: Half Marathon

I just completed my first half marathon! Go me!!!

I chose the date based on my birthday, I turned 25 this year and I figured I really needed to start crossing some things off my bucket list soon. For those of you that don’t know me, I constantly talk about old age and dying and I love to make old people jokes (only about those who are older than me of course). So 25 was a scary birthday for me and my friends and family were ready to start throwing the old jokes my way! I knew I needed some backing and what better way to show one’s youth than by training and running 13.1 miles!
When I first started running I was 275 pounds and wearing a snug size 20. Running was something I didn’t think I could do, and long distance running was out of the question for me. I struggled to jog for two blocks straight, my friend April was my biggest motivator when it came to running. She was training me at the time and she rarely went easy on me. Fortunately for me she was able to tolerate my constant whining, yelling, and not so indiscreet cursing. She really pushed me to my limits and for that I am forever grateful to her. When I was finally able to run for 3 miles straight I asked April if she thought I could run a half marathon and without hesitation she answered YES!!!
And so I signed up for a half marathon near my home and one day away from my birthday! I was determined to not only complete the race but to finish the race without stopping. I bought an app called the Higdon Novice Half Marathon and followed the daily training plan. The training consisted of running 5 days a week and doing cross training on the 6th day. During the week my short runs ranged from 3-5 miles and my long runs increased by 1 mile every week. During my training I also ran a 5K, a 10K and a 10K Mud Run. Slowly my endurance increased and I became a stronger runner. Before I knew it I was able to run 10 miles without stopping! I then started working on increasing my speed and trying different terrains. I practiced on hills, I went trail running and began hiking as well. On the night before the race I knew that I was ready.
I completed the race in 2:10:45 which is a great time in my book! I was able to run the race without stopping and it felt great to have my family cheering me on and waiting for me at the finish line. I am very proud of myself and completing this half marathon served as another reminder that I can do anything I set my mind to!

Next up… Training for the Nike Women’s Full Marathon in October. Wish me luck!!!

-Crystal Ocegueda

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