Thursday, July 19, 2012

Oh Motivation, Motivation, Wherefore Art Thou Motivation?

So I’m feeling a little Shakespearian today as I’m sure you can tell from the title of this post. Hey, I’m reaching here. I’m desperate to find the motivation and drive that I need to lose the last 20 pounds (used to be 15). So if Shakespeare will help I will use it!

I have been in a slump the last month. Before the “Month Slump” I had been working out twice a day, watching everything I ate, training for the half marathon and I was losing a lot of weight and creating a significant amount of muscle tone. When I completed the half marathon and the family competition I was in (came in 2nd place) I felt that I should allow myself a week off to enjoy life a little. Well somehow that week turned into two weeks, which turned into three weeks and now four weeks. I have been saying that I am going to get back into it and then I find myself in front of delicious food or with all of my friends and family who are drinking and having a good time and I want to be a part of the fun too! I felt deprived if I didn’t engage and eat and drink the things that I wanted.

I should clarify that I have been indulging in the food and “beverages” that I like; however, I have still continued to work out 6 days a week. I am currently training for a full marathon. However, I have come to realize that I have a talent for gaining weight. Yes you heard me correctly, a TALENT. I can run 10 miles on Saturday and workout on Sunday and eat and drink bad one day and gain 6-7 pounds that weekend. That’s talent my friends! TTT-AAA-LLL-EEE-NNN-TTT. With that being said, I cannot allow myself to indulge so often because I will never get to my goal weight. I will constantly be working to lose the 5 lbs I gained on the weekend and will therefore always be stuck in the 190’s.

So here’s where the motivation comes in. This morning while I was showering (you should know that I do all of my best thinking in the shower) I started thinking about why I was not motivated like I used to be. And somewhere between lathering and rinsing it hit me. My mentality has been all wrong; I have been thinking that if I do not eat that piece of cake or have that glass of wine I will be depriving myself. When in reality I am depriving myself of feeling the satisfaction and pride that I long for when reaching the 100 pound mark. I am unhappy, sluggish and sulky in the 190’s and I am not doing anything about it. I have all of the tools I need to succeed and yet I just keep leaving them on the shelf. I have been focused on instant gratification instead of the more valuable and well worth prolonged gratification.

With that being said… Motivation is back! Today is the first day of my very strict and very dedicated lifestyle. I think short term goals are most beneficial because I can “check it off” so I will be committed to no junk food, strict eating pattern, and two workouts a day (minus Fridays, those are my days off) for 1 month. Whoever said you needed to start on Monday had clearly not found their motivation like I did. I know I can do this; it’s just a matter of strategizing!

Side note: I would like to thank good ol’ Shakespeare for the inspiration. I have found motivation; it was hiding underneath my bed ;-)

-Crystal Ocegueda

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