Sunday, August 5, 2012

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

For as long as I have been making New Year's resolutions, I've always made weight loss one of them. The first month or so I'm a workout goddess - waking up early to workout, watching what I eat and walking in the evening. However, it doesn't take long for temptation to wiggle its way back into my life and onto my plate. Shortly after any nugget of temptation works its way back in, the excuses come.
I'll work it off tomorrow. I don't have enough time. I'm tired. 
You name the excuse and I've probably used it at some time or another. How you decide to combat the excuses is something everyone must figure out for themselves. Even now with 20 pounds lost, I still find that I talk myself out of working out or make some sort of excuse for my behavior. If I'm going to be super honest, I've been giving Crystal excuses for writing a post for our blog.
The past two months, I've been slacking. It's so bad, I'm beyond making excuses. I've just accepted that I'm pigging out and sitting on the couch. Not cool, Nikki! Healthy has taken a backseat and I think I'm finally at the point of turning that around.
Behind the mocha frappuccinos and endless take out, I've been kicking myself for not doing anything. A recent weigh-in showed that I am still at a 20 pound lose but I stood on the scale almost challenging myself to eat more, just to see how much it would take to show on the scale. What kind of backward thinking is that?!
At this point I've figured that excuses just make me feel worse about myself. I know that telling myself I'm too tired to workout isn't the truth. The truth is I'm scared to see what it's like to be healthy and "skinny." I'm scared to admit that someone may not like me, regardless of being skinny. I've used my weight as a crutch and explanation for many misgivings in my life. Perhaps this is the greatest excuse I've told myself - "It's because I'm fat." 
Sorry to get all Oprah on you, but I do believe that unhealthy body image is a result of a deeper problem. I haven't quite figured out what mine is but I think I have a better grasp on my own feelings surrounding a healthy body image and that's the first step.
To say all excuses are gone would be to speak too soon but I'm not going to continue playing this game with myself.
- Nikki

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