Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hard “Core” Challenge

This is it folks! It is time…

I have been saying for the last 2 ½ months that I am going to go “hard core” and I am going to finally lose the last 20 pounds that I need to reach the 100 lb mark. However, I have found many different reasons to postpone it; special occasions, vacations, summer and not wanting to miss out on anything. I have a HUGE family which means lots of birthday parties, quinceaneras, baptisms, baby showers, graduations, and many other reasons to get together and eat and drink. During these functions I am bombarded by friends and family pressuring me to be “Fun Crystal.” Lately I’ve been giving into the temptations and the peer pressure for two reasons: 1.) I don’t want to be the fun sucker and 2.) I don’t want to miss out on anything and feel deprived.

However, today I was thinking about it (in the shower of course, best thinking is always done in the shower) and I realized that what I am really depriving myself of is the pride that I will feel when I finally reach my 100 lb weight loss mark. I know that I can do it, there is no doubt in my mind, I just have to be more disciplined and ignore all of the comments and the “just break the diet this one time” remarks.  I will also have to ignore all of the “hater” remarks from my brothers, this is very difficult considering I have 4 of them, and all older than me and all smart asses with more jokes than you know what to do with. If you are not careful they WILL eat you alive and they WILL laugh at you afterwards. Not to mention the fact that I brew beer as a hobby. Do you know how difficult it is going to be for me to go to Tuesday Brewing and NOT drink and NOT eat the DELICIOUS food?!?!?! When I do this I will be crowned queen of all of the lands and all of the beer drinkers will have to bow down to me and say “Queen Crystal you rock! And you are very sexy might I add!” And then everything will be right in the world.

So how am I going to accomplish this Hard “Core” Challenge might you ask? Get it? Hard “Core” as in I want a bitchin’ six pack (aka: core) and I am going to go hard core and not mess up at all! I knew you would, but I was just checking ;-) Anywho… here is a list of do’s and don’ts for this challenge:

Do’s And Don’ts:

1.       Two workouts a day, six days a week (Friday is my rest day)
2.       Blogging everyday to keep accountable for my actions
3.       Weigh and measure before the challenge
4.       Keep track of my progress throughout the six weeks

1.       No alcohol (so long home brews and bud light lime)
2.       No chocolate or sweets of any kind, especially dark chocolate and birthday cake!
3.       No white flour products
4.       No chips, especially pita (moment of silence for my pita chips…)
5.       No cheese
6.       Only black coffee sweetened with honey (farewell Starbucks)

*Note: I am only mentioning things that I currently eat or drink, I didn’t include old habits that I am finally rid of like drinking soda

SO WHAT DO I WIN?!?! I know that’s the big question on everyone’s mind (the whole 2 of you!). I have been thinking about it and I decided that if I accomplish my goal I will reward myself with a new wardrobe. Some of you might think this isn’t a big deal, and if you are my work wife Evelyne you are probably thinking how is spending $500 of your own money a reward?!?! This is the way I see it; I rarely make a big purchase for myself and if I ever do make a big purchase I feel guilty for it, like I should have been using the money to save for a house. Hence why this is my reward! I will not feel guilty for spending a large amount of money to help increase my confidence. Also, I have given away hundreds and hundreds of dollars, probably more than a thousand by now, of clothes that I no longer fit in. Everyone who hears me complain about this says, well at least you are losing weight. My answer: Well duh! Hence why I am giving them away! But who is giving me back my money?!?! All of my clothes were in good condition, even when I had a yard sale I sold them at 1/10 of the price. So you see why this is so important to me? Plus, ask me how many pairs of jeans I have: 2!!! And that’s because I  just bought a pair last week. I am in dire need of clothing but I hold off because I don’t want to spend more money on clothes that I am going to give away! So yes, I think this is an amazing reward! And I am going to work damn hard to get it!

This is it! I start my journey tomorrow! 6 weeks! Start date is August 10th and end date is September 21st. I will be writing daily to keep track of the high and low points of my journey. I am also training for a full marathon so that will be an interesting journey as well. Wish me luck folks! Send the positive vibes my way! And Evelyne (aka: my work wife) feel free to diet police me all that you want! ;-)

Until tomorrow…

P.S. I am still competing with Nikki so she should beware…I am my biggest cheerleader and my biggest enemy and right now there is nothing but cheerleaders on the sidelines!


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