Sunday, August 12, 2012

Summer: The Season of Health

Let's talk summer temptation for a second. Summer is a great time for barbecuing, going to the beach, camping or just hanging outdoors. Sounds really healthy, right? Maybe not the barbecuing but otherwise it does. Here is my beef. Summer is the worst time for weight gain. I know. I know. Most people might say the holiday season is the worst time for weight gain but hear me out.

In Southern California summer lasts for almost five months. The great weather comes around mid-May and doesn't leave until late September, and with the great weather the barbecues and vacationing begins.

While most people are outside enjoying the weather, going on runs or hikes, and swimming at the beach or pool, I normally hang out in the backyard barbecuing and getting fat. I'll soak up the sun and down a few beers or margaritas, shoot the shit and stuff myself.

The story isn't too different when it comes to camping. Once our camp is set up, the eating and drinking starts. Sure, the next day MAY consist of a little adventure but usually not much.

This summer has been different though. I'm turning it back into a season of health, one that allows longer daylight for being active outside and eating delicious summer fruit.

My husband, Alex, and I recently took our little one camping for the first time. I'll admit, having a kid makes you really reevaluate your health. (Not like I needed to tell any of you parents that.) Alex and I are both overweight and are adamant in changing it for our little girl. Needless to say, she is what I think of when I need a little extra kick.

I've always thought camping was fun but doing it the healthy way if far more fun than I thought. On day one, we set up camp and chased the local peacocks, which is fun but also scary. Those suckers will chase you back!

Day two was a doozy. Since it was a quick weekend trip, we packed all the adventure we could into one day.  In the morning, Presley and I gathered rocks around our campsite and painted them. Okay, she painted them and I supervised.

After a healthy breakfast of soy chorizo, eggs, and potatoes, my sister paid us a visit and guess what? We zip-lined! That's right, I did something adventurous. Now I am fully aware that zip-lining doesn't burn many calories but it sure is better than sitting in the campsite chomping on chips.

As we waited to put the equipment on, my fat girl senses kicked in and I got really nervous about being able to even fit into the harness. My sister is a small thing and next to her, I've always felt like a big translucent blob. I watched as she effortlessly slipped into the equipment and I immediately got jealous. (I know I shouldn't compare myself to others, but I'm working on it. After almost 25 years, it's a hard habit to break.)

I was up next and you know what? I effortlessly slipped into the equipment too! Take that harness!

The fat girl senses didn't subside though. There was still one more thing to conquer, the actual zip-line. Fat girl questions raced through my mind. Is the line going to sag too close to the trees? Are people going to point and say, "Hey, look at that fat girl"? Will the line break?

As I stepped up to the platform, the butterflies in my stomach started fluttering. And then, before I knew it, I was off! Zooming down the line, I could feel my confidence bubbling over. I was soaring and it felt incredible! At the end of the line, I found myself overcome with laughter. I felt young and lighter than air. It's definitely something to try once in your life, at the very least.

For the first time in my life, I tried something new and wasn't completely humiliated by my weight. Talk about a step in the right direction. Not only that, I took back my season of health and found a new reason change my lifestyle. Summers won't ever look the same again.


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