Monday, August 20, 2012

Motivation Monday

It's Monday morning and time to allow myself another new start. Like I've shared in "Excuses, Excuses, Excuses," I love making goals and resolutions. Sure Mondays may be the easy day to refocus on health goals, but unlike Crystal I take the easy route. Weight loss is hard enough, I'm not anywhere near the level of Crystal's focus so I need to take the easy route for now. Temptation is still too big of an issue for me.

Monday Morning Weigh-in: 200.0
Let's take a pause for a minute and discuss this number. When I first started my weight loss journey I weighed 212.2 and vowed never to go back there. I then lost 20 pounds and again vowed never to have a 2 in front of my weight again. Well as you can see this morning my enemy came back to haunt me. If I'm going to be real, the real enemy is myself. I've been lazy and pushing my limits. Although, usually on Mondays I do weigh more than normal so I'll cut myself a little slack. I typically like to go with the healthy recommendation of losing two pounds a week but this week, I'm really going to push myself and go for four.

This week is a big week for me. We are currently in the process of moving out of our apartment and into storage (our stuff, not us). Sunday will be the last day in the apartment we called our home for three years. We started our marriage and brought our little girl home to this apartment. Where are you going, you ask. Well, we will be living at my parents' house for a month. Yes, that is going to be an interesting experience but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We bought a condo!

While getting a house is exciting, I've been planning on using the move as an excuse for my lack of commitment but Sunday I decided I could really use this to my advantage. Maybe throw in some lunges here and there while I'm schleping the boxes.

Here's the real challenge - food. Because we have been moving, my husband and I have been eating out almost every night. The gratification and guilt are immediate; and not only that, I end up with nothing to eat for lunch since I mainly take leftovers. Guess what that leaves me for lunch? Yup, you guessed it fast food of some sort.

So here's the deal. I'm going to beat the scale this week. No ifs, ands, or buts about it!

Goals for August 20 - August 26
  • Lose at least four pounds
  • Walk on my lunch hour
  • Eat homemade lunch and dinner all week
  • 3 Starbucks (It's a weaning process)
Wish me luck and have yourself a great week!

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