Monday, August 13, 2012

Days 1-3

Day 1:

Today is the 1st day of the Hard “Core” Challenge and I am pumped! For those of you who are asking yourselves why I started a challenge on a Friday when most folks start it on the usual Monday, this is because I am committed. I am not making any more excuses and quite frankly, I’m not afraid of the weekend. I will kick the weekend’s ass! Well not literally…because I have never gotten in a fight in my life and well, I don’t want to test myself now, but you know what I mean!
Yesterday was my last hurrah! And a hurrah it was indeed! I went to the Ventura County Fair and I ate my fill of fried foods! Corn dogs, ribbon fries, Indian bread, and my absolute favorite: fried ice cream! It was all very delicious and very painful (my stomach does not do well with fried foods). I watched Martina McBride, 

I am a country fanatic if you haven’t figured it out by now and I call myself a Mexican Redneck. Don’t judge people, don’t judge! Haha!

Onto the logistics…

Starting weight: 202

Starting measurements:
                Chest: 44.5
                Waist: 37.5
                Lower Abdomen: 45
                Hips: 45
                Right arm: 13.75
                Right Leg: 26.25

I would like to note that one week ago (before vacation) I weighed 193. I am not lying when I say I have a TALENT for gaining weight! I was on vacation for 4 days and the rest of the week I have been running every day. The runs have been 9 miles, 7 miles, 4 miles and 3 miles. I have also only had 3 cheat meals since vacation but that apparently doesn’t matter to my body! It loves the fat and the pounds and it will hold onto them for dear life! Oh well…what am I going to do about it? Just accept it and work that much harder!

Day 2:
Weight: 198.8

I survived day 2! I know, I know, you must be thinking, day 2?!?! What’s the big deal about that? You have a million other days to survive before the challenge is over! Which is true, you are correct my friends! However, I have yet to tell you what happened in day 2…

First, let’s congratulate Crystal on losing 3.2 lbs in one day! Yay!!! (Insert your cheers here). Second, I ran 13 miles today. And let me tell you, they were the hardest 13 miles of my life!!! I had aches and pains all over the place! If it wasn’t my knees, it was my thighs or my calves or my butt! It seemed to never stop! Also, I ran a new route today, one that consisted of tons of hills! And anyone who knows me knows that I hate hills. I will literally stop and walk the hills as I approach them because SCREW THAT NOISE! It’s already hard to just run, let alone up a hill when you’re out of breath and your legs are aching! BUT I know that it’s important for me to train with hills because when I run the marathon it will be in San Francisco (aka: Hill Capital of the World) and I must be ready for it! So folks, I am proud to say that I ran the entire time! I was hurting, it was hot and I wanted to quit and walk a lot of times but I didn’t. I kept telling myself that I needed to do it for myself, that I was strong enough to conquer it, and I did! Yay me!!!

After my long and excruciating, yet rewarding run, I went to get my hair done! It is now A LOT shorter and darker. Stay tuned for pictures and a funny and random story of how and why my hair is so short! Anywho…I received the best compliment today from my hair dresser/best friends girlfriend (who I haven’t talked to in a while). She told me how great I looked (yeah, yeah…I hear that all the time, because I do look extremely hot and amazing. Did I mention how modest I am!?! Haha! I kid, I kid). The compliment comes in when she told me that she was really happy that the weight loss hadn’t changed me, which I was still the same good person that I was before. She said she has seen a lot of people lose a lot of weight and that they are no longer the same person. They think they are too good for their old friends or look at others and judge their appearance and for those who are single, they write off men who are “too fat” for them. That compliment made me feel so good because it was a reassurance that I am still the same person. I mean I always believed that but I’m sure everyone who has changed for the worse believes that they have not, so it is nice to have some reassurance. I believe that the reason that I have been able to stay true to myself is because I have lost weight for the right reason, because I wanted to feel better and to live a long and healthy life. I didn’t do it because I was tired of being single for almost 4 years (3 at the time) and I thought that being skinny would give me better luck (this happens a lot by the way). And the other reason I’ve been able to stay grounded is because I’ve surrounded myself with family and friends who are both supportive and honest with me (even in times when I don’t want to hear it). So folks, there you have it! Skinny Crystal is still the same great and funny and good person that fat Crystal was. Oh and MODEST too! Let’s not forget MODEST! ;-)

Onto more exciting and light hearted talk! I went to baby shower today. It was super hot, so hot that it looked like I peed on myself after I got up from my chair. It was the sun and the damn plastic chair! I swear!!! I also survived the party without eating chips or cake! And the cake was chocolate! My FAV!!! Now I am at home getting ready to eat delicious fish ceviche (no tostadas) and I will be watching Private Practice all night! Happy Saturday folks!
Check out the beautiful sunrise this morning. How could I not keep running toward it?

Day 3:

Weight: 201

So I gained a pound, no biggie, I weighed myself after running 13 miles while I was probably super dehydrated. I still lost 1 pound in 3 days, I’ll take it.

Let’s talk about how much of a grandma I am. I like to be in bed by 8:30 pm, 9 pm at the latest. If I am not in bed by that time I become very anxious. My family loves to make fun of me because once the sun is setting I am constantly looking at the clock waiting for an appropriate and not so old lady time to go. In my defense, I wake up between 4 -4:30 am during the week to work out. I need my beauty sleep! If I don’t get it, you will be sure I will be wearing my sassy pants! And my poor work wife has to deal with me all day. Do you think I would qualify for the senior citizen discount at Ihop due to my old lady habits? It never hurts to ask right? ;-)

Today is Sunday and it is my only day to sleep in and of course I wake up at 6 am! I finished watching Season 5 of Private Practice, cried my eyes out the whole time. If you haven’t watched it you need to, it’s awesome! Then I worked out and walked to my parent’s house for some breakfast. Afterwards I walked home and went to the grocery store to buy my groceries for the week. I prepared most of my meals for the week and did not have any injuries. Have I told you folks how un-domestic I am? It’s bad! I will have to go over my wounds and my lack of cooking skills in a future blog post. Today I want to tell you about my lack of diaper changing skills. I know, you’re super excited to read about it! But first check out the meals I made!

Grilled chicken with quinoa salad, lemon pepper tilapia, grilled veggies & stuff bell peppers

After my cooking extravaganza my brother, sister-in law, and niece came over to swim. I also watched my goddaughter for the afternoon. She is two, adorable and a POOPER! Let me set the scene for you, Sophia (goddaughter, aka: Pooping Machine) was swimming in the Jacuzzi with my brother and I was out lounging and watching. My brother tells me that he thinks Sophia is pooping because she has a serious face on. I quickly get her out of the Jacuzzi before I get any unwelcome floaties in the water. Then I realize, Undomestic Crystal has never changed a swimmer diaper, now what do I do?!? So I lay her on the grass (I didn’t want a big mess all over the place) and I start to get my tools in order. Diaper bag check, pull-up (she’s being potty trained) check, wipes??? They didn’t leave me any wipes!!! So I’m freaking out, she’s laughing because apparently freaked out Undomestic Crystal is hilarious! I ask my sister-in-law to bring me toilet paper and my face wipes (yes you heard correctly, FACE WIPES) and I start to deal with the oh so gross mess! Reason #763 why Crystal does not want to have a baby! It was awful, let me tell you, I knew what she ate that day! GRRROOOOSSS! So I think I’m in the clear, no more water for Sophia. And a couple hours later… she pooped again! Just my lucky day! I changed her, thankful that it was a dry diaper, used some more toilet paper and another face wipe and then we counted and played with the blocks together.

All in all it was a great Sunday. Gotta love being reminded of how undomestic you are! Haha!

The POOPER & Me. Isn’t she adorable?


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