Monday, August 20, 2012

Days 7-10

Weigh Ins:

Day 7 (Thursday): 196.6
Day 8 (Friday): 198
Day 9 (Saturday): 195
 *This was after my run where I was probably dehydrated
Day 10 (Sunday): 196.8

This weekend was pretty boring, I will highlight the important events for you folks. Thursday was boring, Friday was boring minus the fact that I was tucked in bed by 8:30 pm and ready to sleep when my roommate and some friends/family came over. I had to look presentable, meaning put some shorts on. It's been hot people! I survived the temptation to drink which actually isn't as big of a temptation as it used to be. That's exciting!

Saturday was my long run, I ran 15 miles in 2:34:45, not a bad time if I do say so myself! It's the furthest distance I have run so far which was a big deal for me. I didn't have to stop once which was awesome! Also, I discovered Power Bar Energy Gel Blasts, these little puppies are amazing! (see below). They are delicious and they gave me the little burst of energy I needed to keep going. There are 6 gummies in a packet, I split the gummies and ate 3 at mile 4 and the other 3 at mile 12.

After my run I went to coach our first soccer game. Our girls did really well! We won 5-0, it is definitely a great way to start off the season! They need some more conditioning, they realized on the first quarter how out of shape they are so that means I will be running a lot more during practices to get them ready for the season.

Saturday night and Sunday I was sick which is no fun. I kept craving chocolate muffins but I knew that I needed to stick to the diet. I lost 4 pounds last week and I didn't want to blow it. Plus, in order to reach my goal by the set deadline I need to lose 4 pounds a week. So I went to Vons and bought medicine, salads and sugar free banana nut bread to feed my sweet tooth.

Before I go I just wanted to let you folks know what my stance is on the scale. I am weighing myself every morning but honestly I take the number with a grain of salt. As you can see I fluctuate everyday depending on what I ate and how much I worked out and how much water I am retaining. It doesn't stress me out because I know I am eating right and exercising, the weight will drop when it is ready. So for those of you who are stressing about the scale, DON'T! I am still 6 pounds heavier than I was after the family challenge but I feel and think I look skinnier than before and that's all that matters! I decided to include my daily weight so that you guys can see  how much weight fluctuates and how you shouldn't focus on it so much.

Have a great Monday folks!


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