Sunday, August 19, 2012

Let's Find Out When Crystal Got Fat!

I've been thinking about when it is that I became overweight. It's a question I have always asked myself but never seemed to find the courage to go back in time and figure it out. So I figured, since I have this blog and I'm sure all you folks would love to see old pictures of me and my awesome overalls (they were very cool back then, trust me) that now is as good as time as any to figure it out!

So my friends, follow me on this lovely journey back in time...

And Jesus blessed the world with the joy of Crystal! Yes, that is me! I know I look like an asian baby, but my mom swears they didn't give her the wrong pictures and you guys should know, Mama Tola never lies!

My first birthday. I'm chubby here, but in the "your baby is the cutest thing ever! she's so chubby I just want to eat her!" kinda way...

My 2nd birthday/baptism. It was a 2fer party! I hope I got two gifts from all of the guests, because that's just rude! Haha, I kid, I kid... Anywho, I am a normal, adorable sized kid.

4 years old, with my broken arm in a Snoopy Sling. It was a very fancy accessorry. Did anyone else notice that I have matching red and white socks? Yeah, my mom loved to dress me up and I always had to match! Also, still a normal size here...

Ok here's where the lines get blurry... I'm guessing I am around 7 or 8 years old. I still think I look average size (that's my sister in law Adrianna on the right)

Same blurred lines. I'm guessing 8 or 9 in this picture (my mom didn't write the year on the back of the picture so I can't be sure). See here I am already starting to gain weight. And yes those are Pocahantas overalls, they were very trendy back then.

Here I am 10 years old, I am definitely overweight here and I continue to be overweight for the rest of my life. Yes that is a pink overall dress. It was very trendy back then, along with my 20 other pair of overalls. Don't judge me!

This is my 6th grade picture (11 years old). I was definitely a chubster here. Oh and those two clips you see on my head, yeah I wore different colored clips on my head for like 2 years! Not a phase I am proud of...

This is me and Mama Tola on my 8th grade promotion ceremony (13 years old). Definitely a chubster, definitely weigh more than my mom (I still do by the way, but at least we are the same size in clothes now so I don't feel so bad)

Freshmen year of high school (14 years old), I lost some weight at the end of freshmen year. I'm not sure how I did it but I'm pretty sure it was a low carb diet. I can't even tell you how much I weighed because I never touched a scale, it was too scary for me to face, but I will tell you this was probably the thinnest I was besides now.

Sophomore year (15 years old), I found the weight I lost, it was hiding under my bed. I also got my first boyfriend that year, so he probably helped me find the weight I lost. Don't you just love how easy it is to blame men for our fatness?! This is a picture with my cousin Christina (she's like my sister) during Winter Formal

Junior year (16 years old), definitely getting bigger each year. This is a picture with my cousin Christy (left) and one of my good friends, Cassandra (right) at prom. I was Junior Class President by the way, not that I'm bragging or anything ;-)

Senior year (17 years old), still heavy. This is a picture taken on "Wacky Wednesday" with some of my friends from high school. April is on the far left, she is the friend I talked about who really motivated me and helped me overcome my plateau, she is the reason I began running

April and me on graduation day (17, almost 18 years old). I love April, she's always been there for me!

Me and my high school sweetheart Horacio (18 years old). He passed away in September of 2008, I've written a little about him in my weight loss stories. Still a chubster

Me and my college roommate tailgating at a UCLA football game (20 years old). I did tell you guys I went to UCLA right? I am a proud Bruin! Also, you should know Angelica is a wild one! Me and her did some of the most randomest things together!

21st birthday in Vegas! Need a say more?

22 years old. I cut my hair off after my boyfriend passed away and gained some more weight. This is probably the biggest I ever was, I'm guessing I was around 275, emotional eating is not the business!

New Year's 2011 (23 years old) with Mama Tola herself! See how much bigger I am than her? This was right after my first weight loss challenge, I lost 20 lbs in 1 month so I'm about 255 pounds. I hadn't drank in a month and I got super wasted and puked everywhere. It was one of the few times I have ever blacked out, everyone still laughs at me when they think about that night. Do not try that at home folks!

50 pounds down! I was 23 years old and weighing around 225. Me and my sister-in-law Cherie in Vegas celebrating her bachelorette party, I was the maid of honor

January of 2012 (24 years old), I was weighed around 215-210 here. This is a picture of me in Mexico with my aunt (left), uncle (close right) and dad (far right)

Me and Mama Tola on my 25th birthday (June 2012). I completed my first half marathon that day and I weighed 190.

So there you have it folks! A trip down memory lane. As you can see I was pretty much fat my whole life. After looking at my photo albums I figure I started becoming overweight somewhere around 9 years old. My weight has always been a struggle for me but I am finally overcoming it! I know I will get to the size that I want to be! It's just going to take a little hard work and comittment! So for all of you out there who are struggling with weight loss like I am, know that you are not alone! If I can lose 80 lbs so can you!!!

If you have any questions on how I did it or just want to tell me how awesome I am feel free to leave me a comment or send me a message!


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