Monday, August 6, 2012

Vacation: And The Fear That Comes With It...

I just came back from a much needed vacation. Four days of sun bathing, relaxing and forgetting all of my troubles. The problem with this much needed vacation is the fear that I had/have of getting on the scale. Before I get all dark and fretful let me first tell you how much fun I had...

I Call This Pose: Drama!

I had lots and lots of Mexican Margaritas (also known as Palomas). They are not actually margaritas, they are more of tequila, squirt and a squeeze of lime. Still equally as delicious! I also had lots of pomegranate tequila, for those of you have haven't tried it, it is a must! I drink it by itself with some ice. It is also known as the fertility juice,so watch out those of you Fertile Myrtles!!! As for me, because I know all of you folks are curious, I am not pregnant! Drank the Fertile Juice, but trust me, there is no possible way that I can be pregnant. Unless...the water in Mexico has even more powers than the Fertile Juice (gasp).

Me and Jorge the Bartender

As you might have guessed, with tequila comes lots of dancing and singing! Now that I think back on it I feel bad for the staff at the restaurant who had to endure my hours of singing. I mean, I think I sound amazing and  with tequila (or in the shower) I sound even more AMAZING! Well... I had fun and no one boo'd me or threw food at me, hence I will continue to believe that I have an angelic voice. As for my dancing...well...that doesn't get better EVER! I actually have a friend who recently discovered that I only have one dance move. It was a huge epiphany for him. He said "Crystal, you only have one dance move! Like only one move! It could be Spanish music, pop, country, Reggae and it's still the same move!" This is true, but just so you know it is an awesome move and it is very universal! Not to mention I have no rhythm and my move requires no movement of my feet! haha!

My aunt and I dancing (not my signature move by the way)

Finally, there was always a party in my mouth! You name it, I ate it! Mexican buffets are the best! Arroz con leche, home made tortillas, beans, chile verde, sweet bread! All of my favs! I also had so much lobster I didn't know what to do with myself! I had tacos and tortas and mexican candy! My taste buds were LIVIN' IT UP!!!

Eating Obleas!

Here's where the fear comes in... I had so much fun on my Mexican Getaway that I am afraid to get on the scale. I have been working hard and staying on track for the last 3 weeks and I was able to lose 8 pounds. I am afraid that I found those pounds in Mexico and that they didn't stay on that side of the border. I don't want to feel disappointed in myself when I look at the scale or feel like all of my hard work has gone to waste. So what I have decided to do is not get on the scale for a week. I went for a 9 mile walk/run, I was supposed to run 13 miles but I figured I would take it easy on my body and ease my way back into long distance running. I bought healthy groceries and I will be eating well this week. I'm hoping to not be too disappointed when I get on the scale at the end of the week.

What I realized as I was writing this post is that I can't beat myself up about things. I had a blast on vacation and I haven't had a relaxing and fun vacation like that in a long time. I deserve it! And I have all of the tools that I need to get back on track. I need to juggle my diet and exercise routine with my fun time. Sometimes I just need to let my hair down and do my "one and only dance!"

Reading and Tanning! My two favorite things!


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