Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Days 18-21 (AKA : FRUSTRATION)

Day 18 (Monday):
Weight: 197.7
Exercise: Soccer Practice (lots of running)

Day 19 (Tuesday):
Weight: 197.6
Exercise: 4 mile run

Day 20 (Wednesday):
Weight: 197.7
Exercise: 8 mile run + soccer practice

Day 21 (Thursday):
Weight: Prolly the same damn number!
Exercise: 4 mile run

This post is a BITTER post, so all readers in a good mood BEWARE! 

If you haven't noticed by now I gained 2 pounds this week. How the heck I did that I have no clue! That is the most frustrating part of this process. I have been eating right, exercising daily and saying no to all things delicious!!! And what is the thanks I get? A 2 POUND GAIN!!! It's just not fair. I can't explain why it's happening and why I haven't been able to lose the 2 pounds. And to top it all off I am sick! Do you know how much harder it is to run when you don't feel good? To make yourself wake up at 4 am when your body aches and your head hurts and your throat hurts and you get winded from your normal run because you can't breathe through your nose? Yeah it sucks balls!

So I'm bitter this week, YES I admit it. So much for funny, witty, and inspiring Crystal. Sorry folks, I hate to say it but, I'm not perfect and neither is this challenge that I am working so hard on. I am not getting the results that I wanted and right now I am upset and venting. THE END.

Oh and also, Labor Day weekend is this weekend. Can you say LOVELY? Talk about a lot of temptation I will be fighting! And right now I don't have the motivation to fight it. I might as well drink my favorite beverages while on the lake sun bathing and eating my favorite chips?! Heck! Why not? Dieting isn't helping me lose, maybe binging will! HAHA! I kid, I kid...I'm not going to ruin the challenge, I've worked too hard these last 3 weeks to blow it and I know that I will have a better week. I just have to tough it out!

Here's a little motivation for me and hopefully for you folks...

                                  January 2011                                           August 2012

*I apologize for the blurry pictures, they were taken from my phone


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