Friday, August 31, 2012

Ode to the Work Wife

Today I have decided to take a break from my usual challenge blogging and write about my Work Wife, also known as Evelyne Schmevelyne or EVIL-lyne...

I'm sure you are all wondering why I am writing about her when she couldn't be nearly as awesome as I am and you would love to read EVEN MORE about my amazing life! I know, I know, do not fret my pets, I will talk all about myself later this weekend ;-)

Anywho, back to Evelyne... What I have failed to mention to you folks is that Evelyne is quite the inspiration herself. Of course she still goes to bed every night praying to Baby Jesus that she will magically wake up one morning and be as charming and funny and intelligent and MODEST as me, but hey, can you blame the girl? ok, ok this story is not about me, this is about Evelyne. To date, Evelyne has lost 31 pounds, she is 5'3 and looks fabulous! She works out 6 days a week, 2 with a personal trainer, the others on her own. Of course she makes a conscious effort to eat right, but she doesn't deprive herself of the foods she loves, like cupcakes.

Evelyne and I first started working together in January of 2009. We quickly became the best of friends! That's probably because we were both baby hefers who loved to eat (baby sounds so much cuter). You name it, we ate it! And lots of it! We didn't judge each other, if anything we encouraged each other to eat that 4th slice of pizza, because it's so delicious and I want one too! Haha! Oh, those were the days!

I started my weight loss journey before Evelyne, but she quickly joined in. Unlike me, growing up, Evelyne never struggled with her weight. She was thin and very athletic, she CLAIMS she was quite the soccer player (of course I have my doubts, because it's my job to give her a hard time). She gained weight during and after her pregnancy with her daughter. She found herself not only holding onto the baby weight, but gaining more as time went on.

The light bulb moment for her was when she decided to participate in an office weight loss challenge (October 2011). You folks should know that Evelyne is very competitive and will do whatever it takes to win!!! And because of her competitive nature she won the challenge, Yeah, Yeah, Crystal is always the loser, go ahead and say it! Haha, just kidding folks! But I really did lose. Evelyne has been consistently losing weight ever since. As time has gone by she has been researching more and more about different work out techniques, healthy foods, and processed foods. She went from 158 pounds in October of 2011, to 127 pounds today. She is happy with her weight now and is focusing on toning her body. She is definitely an inspiration to all of those around her. She has even helped her family lose weight as well!

Evelyne and I have been each others support systems. I think we both would agree that we couldn't have come as far as we have without each other! I am very fortunate to have a Fitness Pal (aka: Diet Police) like Evelyne. She keeps me motivated when I am ready to quit, she keeps me away from that 2nd piece of chocolate I am craving, or the pizza attack I am feeling! And I do the same for her! So if you don't have a Fitness Pal, go out and find one! Your journey will be way easier with one!

                                                              August 2011                         

August 2012


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