Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Confession Tuesday, Also Known As Days 22-25

Howdy Y'all! I'm feeling very country today, prolly because I'm about to confess all about how I fell off the diet challenge bandwagon [insert shocked/disappointed face here] and I am doing my best to confront the shame that comes with it.

So if you are one of the 4 followers (you really should follow me to help my bruised ego)... you may remember how upset I was at the scale for not being able to lose any weight and for actually having gained 2 pounds in one workout/diet weekend. I was bitter when I wrote that post and I basically said I should just gain weight the delicious way by eating and drinking. Well when I wrote that I didn't actually mean it and I didn't think I would break down and do it, but I did. And to tell you the truth, I don't regret it. I had a great weekend, I had a great 16 mile run, and I didn't spend my time craving forbidden food and counting calories.

Before we talk about how much weight I gained, let's discuss what a great time I had!

Friday was sushi for lunch, shopping and drinks! I bought some cool running socks, a new arm band (my old one was stinky), and arm sleeves with reflectors (so I won't get hit by a car like my brother did last week). I started the evening at BJ's Brewery and ended it at a Dive Bar. I had a great time and I remember most of what happened. Mission accomplished!

No I did not drink all of those beers!

I decided to post-pone my long run until Sunday morning because a.) we had a soccer game on Saturday morning and b.) I was nursing my hangover. After the game (we won) I went to the lake with my family. We swam, lounged, and ate. Beautiful weather, it was a perfect day for the lake.

Sunday morning was my long run. 16 miles ladies and gentlemen! It was actually a really great run all things considering. I overslept and it was hotter than usual, my foot was really hurting me on the last mile (the foot injured from my new shoe incident) but all in all, I had a lot of energy and I was running at a 10 minute mile for most of the run. I was confident and happy about the run, and then after my shower it all hit me. My muscles were so tense and sore, I couldn't even walk straight! I looked like a grandma! It took 5 hours and 4 ibprofen to rid me of my aches and pains. Long distance running really takes a toll on you. I was both physically and mentally exhausted afterward and it took lots of coconut water and trashy tv to nurse me back to health.

This is what 16 miles looks like before the aches and pains set in.

The moment of truth: How much did Crystal gain? Answer: I have no freakin' clue!!! I weighed myself on Sunday and I had gained 2 pounds and was at 198, which was not bad considering that I ate badly and drank badly. On Sunday and Monday I chose to just have one bad meal each day. I will weigh myself sometime this week when I am finally able to face my fears and jump on the dreaded scale! I swear sometimes I get so mad at that thing I just want to throw it at a wall! But then I remember that I am a rational person and I really do like my walls.

I hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend!!!


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