Thursday, September 27, 2012

How to Take the Leap & Learn to be Confident

Let's talk about confidence. It's rare for an overweight person to feel confident in their body, right? Okay, I don't want to speak for everyone, but I will say, I have confidence issues. I may not show it and generally I would say I portray confidence (at least I think I do). However, when it comes to how I feel about my body, I lack confidence big time!

Take the Leap

So here is my challenge: I've decided for the benefit of our readers and of course, myself, I'm going to take the leap and just be confident. It's going to be hard at first. I'm going to have to change my way of thinking. I've already started trying to view things differently but it will still take time before I have confident thoughts instead of judging thoughts. Who does this? Who constantly judges themselves, or thinks others are or will judge them? It's a hard habit to stop, right?

To take the challenge, visit The Petite Athlete

A couple of days ago, I started a 30 day ab challenge. Abs are my weakest body part and it has always been a goal of mine to live a life without a kangaroo pouch. In an effort to take the leap and be confident in my own skin, I've decided to post some before pictures. I'm crossing my fingers that these pictures won't be in vain and there will be a visible difference in the after pictures.

Let me tell you, posting these pictures isn't easy. In the course of editing the post, I've added and removed them a number of times. Yet, in the end, if I have a plan to be a success story one day, I'll need to be confident that I'll get there. Posting these pictures will help me stay accountable and hopefully in the long run serve as inspiration to others looking to pursue a healthier lifestyle.

If you are planning on taking the 30 day ab challenge, don't worry about hitting those 300 reps right away. The first day I did the exercises, I only eeked out a total of 143 reps. The second day got a little easier with a total of 185 reps. By the end of the 30 days, I should be blasting out those 300 reps and sporting a leaner look.

Someone once told me, "Do the uncomfortable until it's comfortable." I'd have to say it has worked in other areas of my life and could certainly be applied to confidence. Remember, you've already made the first step, take it day by day and celebrate yourself! The confidence will soon come back without hesitation, but you have to take the leap. Trust yourself, love yourself and show yourself you can do it!

- Nikki

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