Thursday, August 16, 2012

Days 4-6

Day 4:

Weight: 201

I woke up at 4:30 am, went for a short 2 mile run. Came home, got ready for work. Worked, worked, worked and then I was off to soccer practice. I am the assistant soccer coach for 11-12 year old girls. Practice is 1 ½ hours long, so I considered that my work out considering I had to run/practice with the girls and go and fetch all of their balls. Oh the joys of coaching! Afterward, I went home, changed into my bathing suit, took my pre-made dinner with me and was off to my brother’s house to swim with my nieces and nephew. It was a lot of fun; however, temptation was lurking at every corner! First, it was fish tacos, then it was alcohol (alcohol and swimming is always a great combo!) and then it was the hot pizza they ordered! Not to worry my friends, I survived it! Well I did have 2 small pieces of the fish, but no tortillas so I’m good. Went home and was in bed by 9:30 pm. I’d say it was a successful Monday!

P.S. This post was pretty short and awfully boring so I figured I would bless all of you folks with a progression picture of me (yes I have magical powers, but shhh…don’t tell anyone)

Here is your blessing…
 My nephew Mauricio & I

I really like this comparison because you can see the time progression by looking at my nephew. The first picture was taken sometime in the beginning of 2009 and the second picture was taken in July of 2012. P.S. the pink shirt I was wearing was supposed to be loose! Haha! Gotta love my style ;-)

Day 5:

Weight: 199.8

Today was very uneventful as well. Woke up at 4:30 am, ran 3 miles, got ready for work. Went to work, got home, went to brewing. Brewing consisted of a whole lot of cleaning for me! I am in charge of Sanitation, which means I basically do all the bitch work that none of the men want to do. Oh the joys of being a female! Apparently cleaning is one of the skills we as women are inherently born with. Luckily for my brother, aka: bosser/master brewer, I am actually quite good at cleaning. Afterwards, I did laundry, did a short workout (arms & abs) and then packed my lunch and got ready for the next day.

So I figured I should tell you what I ate today, since this blog is about 2 fat to FIT (emphasis on fit) chicks, and I am one of those chicks. Lunch and dinner vary depending on what groceries I have bought for the week. Lunch usually consists of protein, veggies, and a carb and dinner is protein and veggies.

-3 egg whites and a whole egg (scrambled)
-½ cup oatmeal with a tablespoon of honey and blueberries
            -Laura Scudder’s Natural peanut butter
                        *I would be lying if I said I measured how much I eat. I love the stuff! The end.
            -4 oz grilled chicken
            -black bean salad (½ cup)
            -carrots & celery
            -2 tablespoons of hummus
            -lemon pepper grilled tilapia
            -grilled veggies (bell peppers, mushrooms, onions)

*Note: I usually have a protein shake after my workouts.

Day 6:

Weight: 199.8

Today was basically the same as Monday,except I ran 7 miles after soccer practice. True story: I got home around 6:30 pm and I was starving so I made myself a turkey sandwich. I had to wait for my food to settle so I left for my run around 7:30 pm. It was already getting dark out so I decided to take my pink pepper spray for protection. Didn't you know that pepper spray is waaaaay more powerful if it's pink?!? Well now you do! I'm running and running and probably around mile 2 I notice that a cop car flies by me, then another, and another. Then I hear and see a helicopter flying over my head. I freak out, automatically thinking that they are looking for a serial killer who loves to prey on women who run at night with pink pepper spray! And of course I do what Crystal always does, I keep running in the direction that the cop cars headed in (yeah, I don't always have the smartest ideas, don't judge me!). So after another mile or so I see a few cop cars parked and I decide its time to turn back. Well I ran through the levy, which is super dark (no lights) and the entire time the chopper was flying over my head! There's nothing like a little fear and a chopper flying over head to make you run faster!

I mentioned in a previous post that I had a random story as to why I cut my hair. Here is the story with pictures included…

The last time I cut my hair was probably close to a year ago. I had not gone to get a cut for 2 reasons: 1st: I wanted to let my hair grow long and 2nd: I couldn’t find a good hair dresser. The last hair dresser I had was talented for sure, but she was a big gossip which is concerning because if she is talking to me about all of her other clients, I KNOW she is talking to them about me. Also, every time I went her prices went up and I was doing less things to my hair. I need someone reliable and who I can trust, hair is NO JOKE people! It’s what defines me. I like to think I am an undiscovered Pantene Pro-V hair model. Don’t laugh, I can feel your judgment from way over here! You haven’t felt my hair, its shiny and soft! The end!

Anywho…I kept looking at my hair and talking about how damaged it was and Evelyne (work wife) says, you have been complaining about your hair for months now, why don’t you go get a haircut already! And I said “you’re right, I should just let you cut it, this way I am forced to get a haircut.” Ok let me explain something to you folks; you should know that I am not a spontaneous person. I do not like surprises, I need a plan and I need to follow the plan, I follow the rules and don’t like to break the law (key words: don’t like to, doesn’t mean I haven’t occasionally done it, but I will tell you... when I have, I did not enjoy it!) So when What I’m saying is it's all talk, I don’t actually think she will cut my hair, I mean I wouldn’t do something like that! When Evelyne quickly and way to happily says “OK!” I think she is just trying to scare me, trying to call my bluff. So of course being the Crystal that I am, I will not back down, I will show no fear and I will wait for Evelyne to be too scared to cut my hair and then I will win and everything will be right in the world. WRONG!!! Evelyne, also known as “Evil-lyne” gets a pair of work scissors (my hair dresser later said that was the worst thing she could have done) and proceeds to cut my hair! As soon as I heard that awful sound I started to panic, but I couldn’t show Evelyne that because I didn’t want to freak her out half way through the cutting session. So she cuts and cuts and says she has done a great job. She was so wrong by the way! She didn’t cut straight and then I quickly put my hair in a pony tail. The next morning I tried to “fix it” by cutting some more and then I quickly made a call to schedule the quickest appointment!

Exhibit A:

The hair Evelyne cut

Exhibit B:
The final product: It’s shorter and darker.

What do you think?


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