Monday, August 27, 2012

Days 15 - 17

Day 15 (Friday):
Weight: 195.0
Exercise: Rest Day

Day 16 (Saturday):
Weight: 195.0
Exercise: 10 miles

Day 17 (Sunday):
Weight: forgot to get on scale
Exercise: None - injured

This weekend was uneventful so I am just going to summarize it for you in one post. Two weeks of dieting has gone by and I have lost 6 pounds, which is really good in the scheme of things, but not for my challenge goals. I was supposed to have lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks, but I also know that it is a pretty unrealistic goal considering I've already lost 80 pounds. So we shall see folks, I am still shooting for 4 pounds a week, but if it doesn't happen I am not going to write a depressing country song and then slit my wrists while I'm singing. Are we all in favor of this? YES! Great! Moving on...

Friday I went to work, was off at 11 am (hip, hip, hurray for Fridays!) and then I was off to the beach! Santa Barbara was beautiful! It was the best way to spend my "rest" day. I ate lunch on the beach, sun bathed,  listened to music and just relaxed. My friend spotted some dolphins and I was so excited! It was literally the highlight of my day! Did I ever tell you folks that I am one with the ocean? I swear I was a mermaid in a past life! I love the water and I love dolphins and whales in particular! Anywho...went to bed at 7 pm, YES YOU HEARD ME RIGHT, 7 pm! This old lady was tired and she knew she was going to get up at 3:30 am for her long run on Saturday morning so she went straight to bed!

Santa Barbara beach

Saturday's run was a MAJA FAIL. Let me tell you why...So I get up at 3:30 am to prep for my 16 mile run and am out the door around 4:40ish. It's pitch black so I decide to run through town for a bit until the sun comes out. Little did I know that the sun wouldn't come out until 6 am. I decided to wear my new shoes because I'm an idiot and I let my inner child get the best of me. I was so pumped to wear my new shoes that I didn't even think that I needed to break them in first (Rookie mistake). Somewhere around mile 7 my left foot was killing me! I had a sharp pain shooting up from the bottom of my foot to my calf. I had to stop running because I was in so much pain. So I started walking back to my house to change my shoes. When I was about a mile away from my house I all of a sudden got the URGE. Yes, you know what I'm talking about, the urge to POOP! Not good! It's not like I could just run faster, I was walking with a limp! So here I am, crippled and in dire need to poop! Not a good combo!!! I finally make it back to my house, do my business, change my shoes, and then head out again (in pain) and I was only able to walk another mile before I had to go home and get ready for soccer pictures/game. The point of this story ladies and gentlemen, is that you cannot defy the Running Gods! I should have not have tried to run on Saturday morning, I should have done it on Sunday morning so that I could have gotten up at 5 am like a regular person, not a psycho crazy runner at 3:30 am! And the Running Gods saved the day! They ensured that I would have to stay in town and close enough to my house to go back before I killed my foot with my new (very cool) shoes and so that I wouldn't poop in my pants like a 2 year old getting potty trained. THANK YOU Running Gods! I Love Ya!

Saturday night was babysitting night. I watched my niece Meli, aka: Smelly Meli (2) [yes I came up with that name all on my own! She will thank me later for it] and my nephew Mauricio, aka: Micio (4). We decorated cupcakes (see pictures below) and we watched A Bugs Life. My niece Esperanza (who will be off to UCSD soon) decided to join us in the fun! You folks should be very proud of me. I did not eat any of the pizza I ordered for them, instead I ordered a chicken salad for myself and I did not eat a single cupcake! Go Crystal!
Isn't she adorable? 

This kid is too cute!

Love her smile!

Smelly's cupcakes

 Micio's cupcakes

Esperanza's brown family

My cupcakes are in love

Sunday I had lunch with my mentee. Yes I am a mentor, I know it's both great and scary at the same time. Don't worry folks, I only fill her head with wise "wisdom" and positive thinking, in other words, I tell her not to be like me! Haha! After lunch I went shopping with my sister-in-law Adrianna. I know I said I wasn't going to buy clothes BUT I really needed work clothes. I'm tired of wearing the same old baggy clothes. I want to feel skinny and professional so I bought 3 new work outfits (slacks and tops) and 3 shirts that I could wear out and to work. And all for the low price of $170! I did good right?!? That's like a weeks worth of clothes folks! Can I get a Great Job?!?!? Anywho, Sunday ended with dinner at my brother Gabriel's house (protein burger for Crystal), grocery shopping, and packing my lunch for Monday.

The moral of this weekend is: Life doesn't always turn out the way you planned it (despite how much I hate this because I'm a planner) but it always has a way of turning out great! My weekend was a lot of fun and as far as my run goes, well I didn't poop my pants so that's a success, my foot is a lot better, and there's always next week!

Yes, I know, I'm adorable! Crazy Hair and All!


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